Thursday, August 8, 2013

College Football 2013 forecast that will probably go very wrong around Week 2.

College Football 2013 forecast that will probably go very wrong around Week 2. 

August... that time of year when (if you are in the South) the Sun scorches the Earth and in the distance you hear the beat of the drums, your school's fight song...and maybe, just maybe an imaginary chill in the air. Oh who am I kidding? In Texas our chill doesn't come until at least week 7 or 8. But its almost here, folks! The 2013 College Football season!!!! 

2013 will be the final year of the controversial BCS and I predict it will not go out without a super controversial bang. 

We all know that the time of year coaches and fans fear the most is the off season. Players can make or break a team due to one (or many) idiot decisions when left to their own devices. Just see: Johnny Manziel, Jeremy Hill, Carlos Hyde, and many other knuckleheads whose off field shenanigans could potentially hurt their team. Ah, but that is not the controversy I am predicting. No, I am predicting a full fledged Phoenix on fire type swan song for the BCS and in 2014 a newer and better (yet still flawed) playoff system will rise from the ashes. But, in 2013 there will be much joy and happiness and in an instant, weeping and gnashing of teeth, and they will cry out for the rocks to fall on them but they will not...Ooops, wrong direction. 

I predict 2013 to have a great many things happen that people will not expect. Here are a few:

-Whatever happens to Johnny "Football" Manziel, Texas A&M will not be as good as in 2012. If he is ruled ineligible, they obviously fall to the 3rd or 4th best team in the SEC West. If he plays I think the Aggies still lose 2 or 3 games. I think the kids head is really messed up and the media firestorm that follows him really does get to him. I am not knocking his amazing talent but, I think Texas A&M and their fans may be tiring of Johnny...and we aren't even in September. What happens when his act get tiresome for his teammates and coaches? And, yes the whole boneheaded move to have "We Control the Tide" T-Shirts made up... Sorry Aggies but, Alabama is going to come into College Station and beat you like you haven't been beat in a long time. Don't think the Tide haven't had that game circled on their calendar since you beat them last year. Not to mention, Alabama gets to get battle tested early by facing Virginia Tech in their opener. Then they have a week off before playing the Aggies. Texas A&M will be rolling Rice and Sam Houston St. Huge Advantage Bama.

-The SEC will again play for the BCS title, and win again but, this will be the stiffest test yet. See below for my picks. 

-The Heisman Trophy will be won by a defensive player. You guessed it too. Jadeveon Clowney is the best player in college football and his hardware haul will be monumental.

- This will be Mack Brown's last year at Texas no matter the outcome. If the Horns overachieve, he will retire and move up into the Athletic Department under Deloss Dodds. If he does not improve he will be forced out and moved up in the Athletic Department under Deloss Dodds.

- Stanford will be the best SEC team not playing in the SEC. They play smashmouth football and will be a force.

- The SEC Champion will not play for the BCS title...but, an SEC team will.

And here is my BCS Doomsday forcast:

Louisville will go undefeated and win the Big East with a more than formidable team that can play with anybody (see last year's Sugar Bowl when they thumped Florida) Louisville will not play for the BCS title even after a shocking upset in the SEC Championship game keeps a 1 loss SEC team over a deserving Louisville team.

South Carolina will win the SEC East with 2 losses and shock an undefeated Alabama in the SEC Championship game. Clowney will harass AJ McCarron all game and the Tide will have too many turnovers to overcome the Gamecocks. Spurrier will upset Saban but the Gamecock's 2 losses will not be enough to put them in the BCS title game. Alabama who was #1 all year will still be voted #2 in the final BCS polls and Stanford will then be the #1 team in the country. The undefeated Louisville Cardinals will not have the strength of schedule to overcome the SEC. A 1 loss SEC team that did not win it's conference will win the BCS title while an undefeated Louisville team gets nothing, no matter how good they were. At that moment, the BCS trophy will transform into a giant vampire bat, swoop down and take it's henchmen, Lou Holtz and Lee Corso back to the dark place it came from. 

Then in 2014...The playoff era begins...  


SEC Champ: South Carolina 11-2 (see above) 
Big 10 Champ: Ohio State 11-2
Pac 12 Champ: Stanford 12-1
Big 12 Champ: (Flip a coin) Oklahoma State 10-3
Big East Champ: Louisville 13-0 
ACC Champ: Clemson 11-2

BCS Title Game: Alabama over Stanford
Rose Bowl: Ohio State over Oregon
Fiesta Bowl Oklahoma State over Florida State
Sugar Bowl: South Carolina over Oklahoma
Orange Bowl: Louisville over Clemson

Cotton Bowl: Texas A&M over Texas (If Manziel plays in '13) 
Outback Bowl: LSU over Michigan.

Most improved team of 2013: Auburn
Team that doesn't live up to the hype: Notre Dame

Heisman winner: Jadeveon Clowney.

Is Gary Patterson's criticism of Les Miles handling of Jeremy Hill the pot calling the kettle black?

Is Gary Patterson's criticism of Les Miles handling of Jeremy Hill the pot calling the kettle black?  

In 23 days, LSU and TCU will sqaure off in a Top 20 college football match-up at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. The pre-game fireworks have already begun. Last week LSU coach Les Miles reinstated troubled Sophomore running back Jeremy Hill after pleading guilty to simple aggravated battery which violated his probation from a 2012 misdemeanor from a sexual relationship with a then 14 year old student at Redemptorist  High School. Jeremy Hill cowardly sucker punched a man outside of a nightclub, knocking him unconscious and then "high-fived" his friends. The man suffered a concussion.

 "Hill plead guilty to misdemeanor simple battery for the bar fight charge in July. Monday's hearing was on whether to revoke his probation on the 2012 charge based on the violation of that probation.
Instead, state district judge Bonnie Jackson chose to extend his probation and add more community service, opening the door for his return to the team." -ESPN

The aftermath of this has sparked much debate and disgust throughout the college football media website and blogosphere. The real issue became when LSU coach Les Miles allowed his team to vote on whether Hill should be allowed to return to the team. They of course voted yes, and Miles has said that further punishment of Hill will be coming internally. 
"He owes this team, this school, this community his best behavior," Miles said. "He will have further punishment. It will be internal. It will be comprehensive. We will see the whole person." - Les Miles. 

Let me state right away that I am an LSU fan. Born in Louisiana, living in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex. I am indeed disgusted by the cowardly act of Jeremy Hill and agree with many that he should be suspended for a lengthy time. I also acknowledge that Miles may or may suspend him. I don't like it but, that is the world of college football and how many high profile College Football powerhouses operate now. Will I be self righteous and say that I will not support LSU because they allow criminals on their team? Of course not...if I took that stance I would not have a team to root for. And I also acknowledge the existence of sports hypocrisy and bias. It is a fans right to look the other way while supporting their team. Right? But, in all seriousness I think Jeremy Hill has some real work ahead of him as a human being and football should not be his crutch.

Which leads me to Gary Patterson of TCU who made news today with his little jab at his August 31st opponent, Les Miles and his LSU Tigers.

On the subject of Les Miles handling of Jeremy Hill, Patterson went on to say:  "I'm sure if it was some opponent they'd beat by 100 points, [the players] wouldn't have a vote," Patterson said, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. "It's not my worry. I've got to play whoever they put on the field." 

"My whole team would vote Devonte to be back on the team because they all want to win," Patterson said. "That doesn't teach life lessons."

You see, Patterson suspended his superstar defensive end, Devonte Fields for a "violation of team rules" earlier this year. So his barb at Miles seems deserved since he suspended one of his best players. It would only be right that Miles follows suit and does the same, right?

Well...lets tap the brakes just a little on the self righteousness of Gary Patterson. Anybody remember the name Casey Pachall? Of course you do, he is the current Horned Frogs starting QB who has hopefully turned his life around and beaten the drug and alcohol demons. You see, Pachall was suspended indefinitely last Oct. 4th after he was arrested for a DWI.  And before you say, well he was suspended, what's your point, let me add a little nugget. Pachall had already failed a previous drug test earlier that year (February) and he was not suspended at all. In fact at the time of Pachall's DWI, he was 4 games into the season. Pachall was also a roommate of Tanner Brock, one of 4 TCU players who were arrested in a huge drug ring bust on campus at TCU. I am not implicating Pachall was a part of that because he was obviously not arrested. But, a week after the bust he failed a drug test and Patterson chose not to suspend him for the season opener or any games in 2012 until Pachall was arrested on October 4th for a DWI.

This was Patterson's quote:  "I've got a young football team and a person who obviously needs help," Patterson told The Associated Press. "Until I can come up with some answers, it's not about one season, it's about a lot of seasons."

Seems fair...Oh but, how quickly Patterson forgets. A year later he is chastising Les Miles for doing exactly what he did a year before. In fact Pachall is thankfully out of rehab and he is set to start against LSU. But, a year later maybe Patterson wised up and realized that "Life Lessons" should be taught to players like Devote Fields who break team rules because can you imagine the firestorm if Pachall had killed somebody while drunk before his DWI arrest? Patterson would have been BBQ'd for not suspending the QB and allowing him to play in 2012. So he makes good with Fields and steps up on a pedestal and looks down on Les Miles and LSU for doing something he did a year before. Sorry Gary, it doesn't work like that.

Let us not forget that Les a year earlier suspended his best player and Heisman candidate Tyrann Mathieu aka The Honey Badger for drug use. In fact, Miles ended up kicking Mathieu off of the team and LSU obviously missed him throughout the year. People love to criticize Miles, and the SEC for running thug programs and looking the other way.  I will admit right now that it concerns me as a fan to see that happen. But, to say Miles doesn't suspend players is wrong because he has done that and suffered for it. He suspended Starting QB Ryan Perrilloux back in 2008 for breaking team rules and kicked him off of the team. He suspended Jordan Jefferson and other players after a 2011 bar fight. That same season he suspended 4 starters mid season in the middle of a SEC Championship run due to the use of "SPICE" The fact is, Miles has suspended players in the past and has suffered the consequences. Does that mean that Miles should not suspend Hill for his involvement in the "sucker punch" incident? Absolutely not. And he has said that he still could be suspended and I hope he is. But, do not paint Miles as a "Do nothing" coach. He runs a program that obviously has many warts. The SEC has many warts, the Big Ten has many warts, so does the Big 12 and on and on. The problem is nearly epidemic. I am not absolving LSU or anybody of that. 

That is why when I see Gary Patterson make these statements when he did the same thing a year prior, it raises red flags. Hopefully Casey Pachall turned his life around. Hopefully TCU not kicking him to the curb allowed that. Hopefully Jeremy Hill somehow does the same. Hopefully he does have further punishment coming. But, Gary, your statements were indeed the pot calling the kettle, black.

August 31st, 2013. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

2013 NFL Mock Draft

The 2013 NFL Draft. 

   As soon as the Lombardi Trophy is handed to the Superbowl victors I am shifting my sports focus to the upcoming NFL Draft and eagerly awaiting the first Mock draft from ESPN, Sports Illustrated, you name it. I love the buildup to the NFL Draft. The anticipation, the hope, the reward of a franchise player to be...or the disgust of the can't miss player who eventually does just that...misses. Having lived in Louisiana for the first 24 years of my life and the in Dallas, TX. the following 11, I have witnessed some major draft steals, busts, and head scratching moments from the New Orleans Saints and the Dallas Cowboys. Thankfully the people of Dallas and Cowboys fans everywhere are treated to Draft day drama every year due to the unimaginable yet irresistible Jerry Jones. 

   The Dallas Cowboys have had serious highs under Jones, from his teaming with Jimmy Johnson and the drafting of the eventual Cowboys Superbowl dynasty of the 90's, to the years of ash and dust in the 00's, most notably 2009 where all 12 draft picks are no longer on the Cowboys roster.  2013 is no different for the Cowboys in terms of importance. Every draft year in Dallas is do or die because Dallas fans and media know all too well how Jones can knock the wind out of everyone's collective sails with a critical trade up or trade down...and trading up or down is what Jerry is known for (for better or worse). Well, that and trading precious #1 picks for worthless wide receivers but that is for another time. In Dallas, we hold our breath as we wait for GM Jerry to either sit tight with the 18th pick (not likely) trade down for an extra pick  while building much needed depth (the sensible thing to do) or betting the farm and trading up for that "Can't miss" prospect (if this happens, Jerry is officially Al Davis) It should be as maddening as always on Draft Thursday...and all through the weekend. 

   Enough about the Cowboys, lets talk about the draft. 

   The 2013 NFL Draft has been criticized for lacking "Star Power" Translation- No franchise Quarterbacks, Wide Receivers, or Running Backs. What this draft does have though is depth. Serious team building depth. If your team has and makes the right picks. There are some quality offensive and defensive linemen to be had as well as solid safeties. In my opinion, after the top 5 in the 1st round, there is not much of a talent drop off all the way through the 2nd round. If my team was a team that had multiple picks in either round I would be an excited fan. Fans of offensive firepower, do not fret. 2014 will be loaded with future stud QB's and skill players.

   The consensus #1 pick in most Mock Drafts is Luke Joeckel, the talented offensive tackle out of Texas A&M. There is a chance that Eric Fisher out of Central Michigan could sneak into the top spot but my money is still on Joeckel. Just those two names alone signify that offensive line will be the big position in the 1st round. The top 5 picks this year could very well have 3 offensive tackles taken. It is also not out of the realm of possibility that Chance Warmack the guard out of Alabama sneaks into the top 5 as well... but, I doubt it. Another position of great depth in this year's draft is defensive tackle. That will get tricky though as teams will draft according to the defensive schemes they run, as many of the defensive tackles in this draft may project better as nose tackles in a 3-4 defense. But, there is talent and depth to be had. 

   Below you will see my 1st Round Mock Draft. With any Mock Draft, take it with a grain of salt and expect much of this to be blown up after teams start trading up and down.  

#1 Kansas City - OT Luke Joeckel, Texas A&M

#2 Jacksonville- QB Geno Smith, West Virginia 

#3 Oakland- DT Sharrif Floyd, Florida

#4 Philadelphia- DE Dion Jordan, Oregon

#5 Detroit- OT Eric Fisher, Central Michigan 

#6 Cleveland- CB Dee Milliner, Alabama

#7 Arizona- OT Lane Johnson, Oklahoma 

#8 Buffalo- WR Cordarrelle Patterson, Tennessee  

#9 New York Jets- G Chance Warmack, Alabama

#10 Tennessee- S Kenny Vaccarro, Texas

#11 San Diego- G Jonathan Cooper, North Carolina 

#12 Miami- DL Ezekiel Ansah, BYU

#13 New York Jets- DE/LB Barkevious Mingo, LSU

#14 Carolina- DT Star Lotulelei, Utah

#15 New Orleans- LB Arthur Brown, Kansas State

#16 St. Louis- LB Jarvis Jones, Georgia 

#17 Pittsburgh- WR Deandre Hopkins, Clemson

#18 Dallas- OT/G DJ Fluker, Alabama

#19 New York Giants- DE Bjoern Werner, Florida State

#20 Chicago- LB Alec Ogletree, Georgia

#21 Cincinnati- RB Eddie Lacy, Alabama 

#22 St. Louis- WR Keenan Allen, California 

#23 Minnesota- DT Sheldon Richardson, Missouri

#24 Indianapolis- OL Larry Warford, Kentucky

#25 Minnesota- CB Xavier Rhodes, Florida State

#26 Green Bay- LB Kevin Minter, LSU

#27 Houston- WR Tavon Austin, West Virginia 

#28 Denver- DE Demontre Moore, Texas A&M

#29 New England- DT Jesse Williams, Alabama 

#30 Atlanta- DE/LB Alex Okafor, Texas 

#31 San Francisco- S Eric Reid, LSU

#32 Baltimore- LB Manti Te'o, Notre Dame 

Quick Hits- 

16 of my #1 picks are from the SEC. 5 from Alabama, 3 from LSU, 2 from Georgia, 2 from Texas A&M, and 1 each from Florida, Tennessee, Missouri, and Kentucky. The Big 12 is 2nd with six 1st round picks. Texas and West Virginia have 2 each.  

10 Years ago the #1 pick in the 03 NFL Draft was QB Carson Palmer out of USC who was picked by the Bengals. 

20 Years ago the #1 pick in the 93 NFL Draft was QB Drew Bledsoe out of Washington State who was picked by the New England Patriots. 

30 Years ago the #1 pick in the 83 NFL Draft was none other than Hall of Famer QB John Elway out of Stanford who was selected by the Indianapolis Colts and later traded to the Denver Broncos. 

And last but not least... 40 years ago the #1 pick in the 73 NFL Draft was Sloth from the Goonies! Yes you read that right. John Matuszak out of Tampa College was selected #1 overall by the Houston Oilers. He would become a Superbowl Champion and staple with the Oakland Raiders. He died in 1989 from a prescription drug overdose.

   Get ready to boo Roger Goodell and have a great time watching the 2013 NFL Draft. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Spring football report. 

As many spring football camps wind down and the doldrums of Summer knock at the door, we college football fans still have a few things to look forward to before the 2013 season kicks off. (1) The NFL Draft which begins Thursday. (2) The release of the always much anticipated pre-season magazines that will attempt to predict everything from the next BCS Champ to the coach who sits on the hottest seat. Below I will attempt to look into my somewhat cloudy crystal ball and predict how everything will shake out. From the BCS title game, to the upcoming early big college games. Here we go.... 

2013 will begin with the possibility of history being made. The Alabama Crimson Tide could make it 3 straight BCS titles and 4 in the past 5 years. Make no bones about it Nick Saban has created a dynasty down in Tuscaloosa. The Tide will be tested very early on though as they travel down to College Station to face Johnny Football and the Aggie team that nearly derailed the Crimson Tide's BCS hopes last November. 

My early prediction: 

Alabama goes into College Station and gets revenge on Johnny Heisman while exposing the very weak A&M defense. Alabama 31 Texas A&M 20

The Clemson Tigers will get a shot at proving they are ready for the BCS stage when they go to Georgia to square off against a Bulldogs team that has suffered heavy defensive losses like Texas A&M and like the Aggies the Bulldogs return their superstar Quarterback in Aaron Murray. A win by Clemson goes a long way to being a worthy BCS title game contender. A loss assures the Tigers of more noses turned up at the thought of the ACC sending a BCS title game representative. 

Clemson rides it's Chick fil-A Bowl momentum to an incredible early classic in 2013. 
Clemson 24 Georgia 21

The 2013 Cowboys Classic gives us an SEC/Big 12 match-up between two teams that could both either contend for a BCS bowl berth this season or get a lower tier bowl invite. LSU and TCU will feature two traditional strong defensive teams that like to play smash mouth football. TCU will return a good amount of players from a 2012 team that was inconsistent at best. LSU was also an inconsistent team in 2012 with an offense that never got it going. After losing 10 Jr's to the NFL draft, the Tigers will have a tall task ahead in trying to rebuild the defense. But, like all major college football powerhouses, LSU doesn't rebuild, they reload. New offensive coordinator Cam Cameron hopes to bring some imagination...any imagination to the Tiger's offense. 

Both teams will be hyped to play in Cowboys Stadium and trade points early on. In the end LSU's depth and speed pull away from TCU shortly after halftime and force the Horned Frogs to make more mistakes than a Gary Patterson team is used to. 
LSU 38 TCU 17  

Alabama also plays a big opening weekend game against Virginia Tech. As much as I would like to say it will be a good game... it won't. 


Alabama comes out and hits Va. Tech early and often. 
Alabama 30 Virginia Tech 10 

The 2013 college football season will be the return of the Big 10. Well...Ohio State anyway. The Buckeyes went undefeated in 2012 and look to carry on with a chip on their shoulder in 2013. Going undefeated and not getting to play in a bowl game due to sanctions really hurts and don't think the 2013 Buckeyes won't use that as motivation. Urban Myer is building a very strong program in Columbus that looks to stand on even ground with the SEC in a few years. Sorry Buckeye fans it won't be in 2013. I fully expect the Buckeyes to win the Big 10 and go undefeated in 2013. But, it ends there. 

My Early BCS Title Game Prediction for 2013: 
Alabama 37 Ohio St. 13
Yes...Bama will threepeat. 

My early top 5: 
1- Alabama
2-Ohio St. 
3- Texas A&M
4- Oregon

But....there are about 4 months between now and the start of the college football season. Many things can and probably will change between now and then. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Updated BCS Bowl Game Projections

Updated 2012 BCS Bowl Game Projections (and other Major Bowls) 

BCS Title Game:

Kansas State (Big 12 Champ) vs. Oregon (Pac-12 Champ)

Fiesta Bowl:

Oklahoma (BCS at large) vs. Georgia (BCS at large)

Rose Bowl: 

Nebraska (Big 10 Champ)  vs. Stanford (BCS at large) 

Sugar Bowl: 

Alabama (SEC Champ) vs. Notre Dame (BCS at-large)

Orange Bowl: 

Florida State (ACC Champ)  vs. Louisville (Big East Champ)

Non BCS Bowl Games: 

Capital One Bowl: 

South Carolina (SEC selection) vs. Michigan (Big 10 selection)

Outback Bowl: 

Florida (SEC Selection) vs. Wisconsin (Big 10 selection)

Cotton Bowl:

Texas A&M (SEC selection)  vs. Texas (Big 12 selection)

Chick fil-A Bowl: 

LSU vs. Clemson

College Football Picks Week 11

Season Record: 103- 31
Last Week: 10-5

Where I was wrong: LSU over Alabama, and USC over Oregon.

Week 11:

Alabama 38 Texas A&M 13 (Texas A&M has been more than impressive in their first year in he SEC. They have not been blown out by any team and had a few more bounces gone the Aggies way we could be looking an undefeated match-up between the Ags and the Tide for a right to play in the SEC title game and possibly the BCS Title Game. The Aggies have seen a great LSU defense that shut superstar QB Johnny Manziel down, and a Florida defense that shut the Aggies down in the 2nd half. So they have seen defenses that are on par with the Crimson Tide. They have not however seen an offense that is so efficient at just not making mistakes. I look for the Tide to clamp down on Manziel in Tuscaloosa and wear down the Aggies defense with a balanced attack that leans heavily on the run in the 2nd half.)

Notre Dame 24 Boston College 14 (The Irish had a scare last week. I do not think it will happen two weeks in a row.)

Oregon 56 Cal 34 (Did a Cal player really "Dare" Oregon to score on the Cal defense? Silly man.)

LSU 28 Mississippi State 14 The Tigers get a Bulldog team that is licking its wounds. Close early but, the Tigers pull away.

Stanford 27 Oregon State 20

Texas 34 Iowa State 17

Oklahoma 45 Baylor 17

USC 34 Arizona State 27

Nebraska 28 Penn St. 14

Georgia 42 Auburn 13

Texas Tech 34 Kansas 7

South Carolina 38 Arkansas 13

Michigan 23 Northwestern 17

Minnesota 20 Illinois 17

West Virginia 56 Oklahoma State 49


TCU 20 Kansas State 19

(The Frogs get a beaten up Kansas St. team that I picked to play in the BCS title game. While QB Collin Klein will play, I suspect that the Frogs D clamps down at home and pulls a major upset. TCU plays in yet another nail biter of a game and comes away with a statement win) 

Current BCS Bowl Game Match-up Forecast: 

BCS Title Game: 
Alabama vs. Notre Dame

Sugar Bowl: 
LSU vs Oklahoma 

Fiesta Bowl: 
Kansas State vs USC 

Rose Bowl: 
Oregon vs Nebraska 

Orange Bowl: 
Florida State vs. Louisville

And yes, I am again saying that the Cotton Bowl will be Texas vs. Texas A&M. 


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Alabama LSU dust has settled. Bama in line for #15?

Alabama LSU dust has settled. Bama in line for #15?

After a thrilling 21-17 win over LSU in Death Valley, Alabama is now firmly attached to a spot in the BCS Title game. The only question remains is who will they face? 

Oregon, who I have openly questioned the toughness of is mowing everyone down in their path. I did not question whether or not Oregon was good, only if their schedule was comparable to an SEC champion or a Big 12 champion. I still do not believe in the Pac-12. The pre-season darling #1 USC has fallen and fallen hard. Oregon'e only other quality wins are against Washington and Arizona. But, in the end you can only play who is on your schedule and that is what Oregon is a very dominate fashion. 

Kansas State has very little left on their schedule to be upset worthy. Obviously TCU and Texas could give the Wildcats a run for their money. I still expect Kansas State to finish undefeated as well. 

Then there is Notre Dame who survived a major upset from Pitt. Notre Dame took out a good Oklahoma team at Norman. If they can do the same to USC you will hear their names in the BCS title discussion. If they should indeed knock off USC it will be hard to keep the Fighting Irish out of the Title game. 

So there you have it. A very good chance at having 4 undefeated teams at season's end, and only 2 spots in the BCS title game. 

Understand right now that if Alabama goes undefeated that they are in. the SEC 6 year BCS title streak will be given a chance to defend. So who plays the Tide? If I had to guess it would be Notre Dame because of the fact they took down two top programs at home. They also took down a very scrappy Stanford team in overtime. The fact that USC now has 3 losses may hurt Notre Dame though. USC could possibly get another shot at Oregon in the Pac-12 Title game. Honestly I do not see that happening. Kansas State could lose to either Texas or TCU but, I don't think that will happen. If Oregon gets to the Pac-12 Title game unbeaten I don't look for them to lose either. So there you have it. Alabama would play...(Flip a coin) 

We could very well be looking at 3 teams who finish the season undefeated. Actually 4 if you think about Louisville. Could there be a 3-way split for the Title? If Alabama plays Notre Dame in the BCS title game and beats them but, Oregon beats their Rose Bowl opponent and Kansas State wins the Fiesta Bowl, do you split the title 3 ways? Can they? 

I think you would more than likely have 2 teams split the BCS title and one poor team finishing number 2. Sorry Louisville but, you would not be in the discussion. Can we start that 4 team play-off this year instead of 2014??? 

Of course look for all hell to break loose if all of these teams should drop a game between now and selection Sunday. You just have to love College Football don't you? 

Current BCS Forecast: 

BCS Title Game: Alabama vs. Notre Dame

Sugar Bowl: Georgia vs. Oklahoma 

Fiesta Bowl: Kansas State vs. Clemson 

Orange Bowl: Florida State vs. Louisville

Rose Bowl: Oregon vs. Nebraska 

Non BCS Bowl Games: 

Capital One Bowl: Texas A&M vs. Michigan

Outback Bowl: Florida vs. Wisconsin

Cotton Bowl: Texas vs. LSU