Saturday, October 27, 2012

College Football Week 9 Picks and BCS projections

After 8 weeks of college football the BCS picture is still cloudy but, it is beginning to shape up. I think it can be assumed that the winner of the SEC (even with 1 loss) will face either the winner of the Pac-12 or Big 12.

By Pac-12 or Big-12 I mean Oregon, USC (if the Trojans win out) Kansas St, or Oklahoma. Oregon will likely have to play USC twice this season which could actually eliminate both teams from the title game picture. If Oregon beats USC next weekend and loses late in the Pac-12 title game against USC, the Ducks could be leapfrogged by a 1 loss Big-12 Champ...or possibly a dark horse like Louisville. But, I highly doubt that.

The Big-12 seems to have come down to a 2 team race. Kansas St and Oklahoma. If Kansas St. wins out they win the Big-12 by virtue of beating Oklahoma back in September.

The SEC comes down to Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi State, and LSU. Georgia and Mississippi State could both be knocked out of the discussion later today though. Next week LSU could be knocked out by Alabama which would likely set up a SEC title game between an undefeated Alabama vs an undefeated Florida. Gee, where have we seen that match-up before? But, it is the SEC...nothing comes easy or happens the way it is supposed to.

Current BCS bowl game forecast:

BCS Title Game:
Alabama vs Oregon

Rose Bowl:
USC vs Wisconsin

Sugar Bowl:
Florida vs Oklahoma

Fiesta Bowl:
Notre Dame vs Kansas St.

Orange Bowl:
Louisville vs Florida St.

Week 9 College Football Picks:

(Last Week: 12-3)

(Season: 82-22)

Alabama 34 Mississippi St. 13

Florida 27 Georgia 17

Kansas St. 23 Texas Tech 14

Oklahoma 24 Notre Dame 12

Oregon St. 20 Washington 17

Florida St. 37 Duke 14

South Carolina 31 Tennessee 20

Texas A&M 30 Auburn 17

Nebraska 29 Michigan 24

Texas 48 Kansas 20

Wisconsin 24 Michigan St. 20

Ole Miss 31 Arkansas 21

Ohio St. 35 Penn St. 31

Oklahoma St. 35 TCU 24

UPSET of the WEEK:

Arizona 28 USC 25

Happy Week 9!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

College Football Week 8 picks

Last Week I was 10-5 and missed out on my upset of the week when Kansas St. beat Iowa St.

I am 70-19 on the season.

Week 8 Picks:

Alabama 35 Tennessee 14

South Carolina 17 Florida 14

Kansas St. 34 West Virginia 24

LSU 24 Texas A&M 17

Notre Dame 27 BYU 17

Oklahoma 35 Kansas 14

Oregon St. 27 Utah 20

USC 56 Colorado 17

Florida St. 35 Miami 17

TCU 28 Texas Tech 24

Texas 30 Baylor 27

Auburn 22 Vanderbilt 14

Georgia 38 Kentucky 13

Clemson 24 Virginia Tech 21

Boise State 38 UNLV 13.

(No Upset Pick this week)

Blog soon to follow picks.

Happy Week 8!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Should the Texas Longhorns part ways with Mack Brown as Head Football coach in the very near future?

Texas Longhorns fans... it is time you ask yourself a question. It is time you take all emotion out of your would be answer and ask a question that no successful college football program likes to ask when times get a little tougher than they used to be. 

Should Texas fire Mack Brown? Or at the very least should Texas remove Brown from his head coaching position and give him a nice cushy administrative job while some new blood is injected into the Texas Longhorns football program? 

I say take all emotion out of it. That is not solely directed at those who would by default oppose removing Brown. It is also directed at those fans who just watched Texas go down in flames (63-21) for a 3rd consecutive year to the Oklahoma Sooners in the Red River Shootout. 

Let me preface this with the old adage of "be careful what you wish for." It took Nebraska years after firing Frank Solich, the heir apparent to the the great Tom Osborne to get the program back on track. Solich wasn't awful. He was winning 10 games a year. In fact Solich won 58 games in his first 6 seasons at Nebraska. More than any Nebraska head coach before him (Including Osborne) But, things went sour in his last couple of seasons and he was gone. It took years for Nebraska to somewhat recover. 

Texas A&M fired RC Slocum after averaging 10 wins a year. He could not beat the Longhorns enough and he was gone after 13 years. The Aggies looked to greener pastures and hired Dennis Franchione from TCU. That hire set their program back for nearly 8 years. 

There are many more examples of teams firing coaches for not being able to get them over the hump or not winning the "big one"  That is why I want to cautiously explore the question of firing a head football coach who has been one of the most successful coaches ever at the University of Texas. 

So after saying all of that, let me say this. Do you, the fans of Texas, want Mack Brown to become Bobby Bowden? Do you want to hang onto a coach who is known for what he did in the past while the program slips into mediocrity...or worse? 

If you are any kind of Texas fan I can see your thoughts right now. You are saying there is no way Texas ever slips into mediocrity. "We have the highest grossing football program in the nation in terms of dollars and profit." "We are the flagship university of Texas, there is no way we stay down for long" "DeLoss Dodds will not allow us to fail" "We recruit too well" I agree with all of those perceived thoughts. But, the trend at UT right now is troubling. Ever since the BCS title game against Alabama in January of 2010, the Horns are 17-14 overall, 7-13 in the Big 12 and 1-10 against Top 25 opponents. These are hardly results of a team that is on the rebound from a couple of sub par years. Not to mention From 2010 to now the Horns have started 3-0, 4-0, and 4-0 only to finish for a combined 6-13 for the rest of the way. Another troubling stat is that Mack Brown and Texas are 0-9 versus the last 9 Top 25 opponents and 1-11 against Top 25 opponents since Jan. 1st, 2010. 

Other factors (Both good and bad) that should be explored when questioning the possibility of replacing Mack Brown are: 

-Mack Brown has a coaching record at Texas of 141-39. That is unbelievably solid. The man has taken Texas from the doldrums of John Mackovic to one of the top 5 premier football programs year in and year out. 

-His bowl record is 12-7 with a BCS National Title, and a BCS Title Runner-up. 

-He has 2 Big-12 Championships. 

-9 straight 10+ win seasons at Texas from 01-09

-He won the Bear Bryant Coaching award in 2005 and Big-12 Coach of the Year in 2005 and 2009. 

After looking at those credentials I feel foolish even questioning this man's employment. But, when I dig a little deeper and do some comparing I find out a few things that raise red flags. Texas will always be compared to the best of the best in college football. The same goes for the Big-12. Now that Texas A&M is gone, Texas has one main rival in the Big-12 and that is Oklahoma. The Mack Brown/Bob Stoops rivalry has been going strong since Stoops first walked onto OU's campus a year after Brown was hired by UT. Texas and Oklahoma recruit the same kids, play the same opponents and are each other's worst enemy on the gridiron. So it is only natural I compare Mack to Stoops. 

-Since 1999 Mack Brown is 5-8 in the Red River Shootout against Bob Stoops. Not terrible. But, you look at the streaks Stoops has against Mack and it is sobering. Stoops beat the Mack led Horns 5 straight times and now 3 straight times. Mack's longest streak against Stoops is 2

-Bob Stoops has been the head coach at OU since 1999 and his record is 143-35 at OU. Very similar to Mack's at UT. Mack has coached 1 year longer. 

-Stoops has 1 BCS National Championship, and 3 BCS Title Runner-ups. 

-Stoops has 7 Big-12 Titles in his time at Oklahoma compared to Mack Brown's 2

So is it unfair to compare Mack Brown to Bob Stoops? I don't think so. These two programs are the measuring sticks for the Big-12 and it is clear that Stoops has the better track record than Brown by virtue of BCS title game appearances and Big 12 Championships alone. 

But even if you throw out the comparisons to Stoops, I am sure 95% of the programs out there would love to say they are in Texas' shoes right now. Again, I think Mack Brown has done a tremendous job at Texas. I am just looking at the latest trend of the past 2 1/2 years versus his overall body of work and it is troubling. 

One of the most troubling things is that Texas still recruits with the best of them. The talent is at Texas, there is no question about that. But, shouldn't a coach that is the caliber of Brown be able to do more than 1 BCS title and only 2 Big-12 Titles in his tenure as head coach while the guy up North in Norman is doubling Brown up in terms of title prestige over the past 13 years? 

Texas also pays Mack $5.2 million a year (one of the highest salaries among college coaches) The Longhorn network has also raised the stakes of making the Horns a consistent BCS title contender. From 2010 until now they are not even in the conversation. 

Mack Brown has already completely retooled his staff after the debacle of 2010. All new coordinators gave some hope to the 2012 version of the Horns but, after 2 straight losses and giving up a combined 147 points in the last 3 weeks I am sure there will be rumbling about the Defensive Coordinator. When does that start to fall on Mack Brown?

So please excuse me Horns fans while I simply ask the question: Has the game started to pass Mack by? Is it time for new blood to be injected to the program? Does a new message need to be preached at UT? Many will say Mack has earned many more years with his BCS title in 2005 and his many other successes on and off the field. It is hard to argue that. But, again I will bring up Bobby Bowden the at one time All-time college football wins leader. Florida State lived off of his past successes for a decade until they finally came to the realization that Coach Bowden was no longer helping the program move forward. Instead they were clinging to past achievements while desperately hoping to rekindle some of that old magic one last time to see old Bobby ride off into the sunset with a BCS title in tow. Sadly that never happened. Jimbo Fisher was hired as Offensive Coordinator and Bobby was in his own words "Forced out" of the program he put on the map. 

Does Texas need to make that same mistake? Or should they be proactive and get Mack's replacement on the staff right now? Or better yet, at the end of the season tell Mack "Job well done!" Have a parade, celebrate that 2005 BCS title one more time and move Mack into the administrative wing of the Athletic Dept. where he can be the heir apparent to DeLoss Dodds. There is no easy way to approach this but, Longhorns fans have to face reality. The man who did so much for the program now needs a little nudge out of the door. The current trend does not seem to bode well for the program. Brown has big plans and the talent is there. But, again I can't help but wonder if the game that Mack once knew so well, might be passing him by like it does so many great old ball coaches. 

So Texas fans, I ask you...should he stay or should he go. His lofty achievements seem light years away and holding out hope for one more BCS title ride may be futile. Then again Mack may prove me and many naysayers wrong. But, with what Texas is...are you the fans willing to take a chance on finding out with the risk of Texas sliding further under Mack's watch. And yes I agree it is a tricky proposal. "Be careful what you ask for" There is no guarantee the next guy will take the torch and take the Longhorns to the heights the want to go. The next guy could be another Mackovich. But, that is the chance you take. Do you want to live in the past...or progress towards the future? Can Mack rekindle that old magic? I sometimes wonder if he even believes he can any more. 

The Longhorns are at a crossroads. I do not believe it is just a mere bump in the road but, a very important time. The stakes are too high and the money is too big for this program to be mediocre. That is why I think a change may very well need to be made. 

And, before I wrap this up I am sure the question will be asked "Who do you replace him with?" I think I have a few candidates that would fit the description of the guy who can take the torch from Mack and make Longhorns fans proud. 

-Gary Patterson. Head Coach TCU. 
He knows Texas and is one of the best pure "coaches" in the nation. He loves TCU but, I am sure the allure of Texas would get his attention. 

-Will Muschamp. Head Coach Florida. 
We all know Will was already Mack's heir apparent before he became head coach for the Gators. Will knows Texas football. He knows the personnel and he is loved by the fan base for what he did as defensive coordinator for the Horns in his time in Austin. Will was thrilled to become the head coach of the Gators and moving to Austin would sort of be like trading a blue corvette for a burnt orange corvette. Austin is more than likely a better place to be but, would Will do it? 

-Kirby Smart. Defensive Coordinator Alabama. 
Smart is the right hand man to Nick Saban and Texas is trying to mold itself into an Alabama type program that plays smash mouth football. Defense would be Smart's number one priority and I think he would fit nicely in Austin while being very successful. 

-Art Briles. Head Coach Baylor. 
I like Briles as a coach but, I just don't think he would work in Austin. 

-Dan Mullen. Head Coach Mississippi State. 
If you have been paying attention to Miss. St. then you know how good of a coach Mullen is. He has made them a Top 25 program after they were the laughing stock of college football. He was the offensive coordinator for Florida under Urban Myer during their dynasty years of the 2000's. Mullen would be a solid hire for the Longhorns. 

-Charlie Strong. Head Coach Louisville. 
A stout defensive minded coach who has made Louisville into a nice program again. He is more than likely going to be the next head coach of Arkansas though. 

-Chris Peterson. Head Coach Boise State. 
No doubt a great track record. I believe he would soar to new heights in Austin but, I doubt he ever leaves Boise. 

-Mike Riley. Head Coach Oregon State. 
Very well respected among coaches. Just not the splash the Horns need. 

-Chip Kelly. Head Coach Oregon.
Nobody but the NFL will pry him away from Nike Land.

Coaches that would be mentioned but I believe have no shot or Texas has no shot:

-Bobby Petrino. Texas won't touch his baggage. 
-Nick Saban. Don't even try to think about it. He will die in Alabama or in the NFL. 
-Kevin Sumlin. Aggies have him for good.
-Major Applewhite. Just don't. 
Mike Leach. Haha. I just had to throw that in there in hopes that somebody just spit their drink out. Sorry. 

And before anybody says that Texas has to hire a guy that can recruit... Mack was and is a great recruiter. Almost unparalleled. But, while good recruiting head coaches are nice, in today's modern era,  Texas recruits with its name alone. 

All of this that I have just written is solely based on observations and opinion. Mack Brown may be the head coach at Texas for the next 10 years and they may win 5 BCS titles. If so, hoo-ray! He proved me wrong. But, before you vehemently disagree with me just look at the trend of the past 2 1/2 seasons, then look at other great head coaches last few years after they held on a little too long. I think I have a point. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Week 7 Picks. Red River Rivalry (Shootout) SEC East and more.

It blows my mind that we are already staring into the eyes of week 7 in the 2012 college football season.

Last week there were 3 major upsets in the Top 10. LSU lost to the Gators at Florida. Georgia was blown out of the water at South Carolina. And, Florida St. was shocked by North Carolina St.

Week 7 has some pretty good Top 25 match-ups and it would not shock me to see another string of upsets.

It is also a big weekend for college football here in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex. I am of course talking about the Red River Rivalry. Please excuse me but, I will call it the Red River Shootout from now on. Sorry PC police but, taking that great name away from this game was a joke. Actually I am not sorry. The people who made this decision because they felt "Shootout" was too aggressive are jokes to their own being.

The Red River Shootout gives us another Top 15 match-up between the Oklahoma Sooners and the Texas Longhorns. Oklahoma's only loss this year came against a superior Kansas St. team and the Longhorns dropped a heart breaker of a game by way of "shootout" last week to the high scoring NBA offense of West Virginia. I never felt Oklahoma was superior to Kansas St. when they were playing. I did however feel like the Longhorns were a better team than West Virginia and had they played later in the season I think the Horns would have stopped the WVU offense long enough to win the game. But, you have to play who is on your schedule when they are on your schedule and last week, West Virginia was a tad bit better when the final whistle was blown. In this year's edition of the Red River Shootout we will get a Longhorns team fresh off of a loss desperately not wanting to drop a 2nd game in a row. Meanwhile Oklahoma also cannot afford another loss or their preseason BCS title aspirations will be dust in the wind. As far as I can tell this year will not be a blowout win for Oklahoma. I do not see any blow out happening at all. I think this game stays very close until the final minutes. This sounds cliche but, whoever wins the turnover battle, wins the game. I like the Longhorns to do that this year.

The SEC East seems to be the strongest division in the conference this year. South Carolina and Florida might have just become the 2011 version of Alabama and LSU. Things get tricky from here on out for the East heavy weights.

LSU is a team that is not living up to its lofty preseason expectations. The Tigers looked pathetic on offense last week in the Swamp against a resurgent Gators team. The hype surrounding JC transfer Zach Mettenberger has so far turned out to be just that. Hype. I do not think the problems with the Tiger's offense can all be laid at Mettenberger's feet though. This LSU offense has been out of sorts pretty much all season long with the exception of the Washington game. LSU also has serious injury issues on the offensive line, and the Wide Receivers have a case of the drops, not to mention the whole offense having serious turnover issues. With South Carolina coming up the Tigers have to be very careful that a losing streak is not in their future. With South Carolina Texas A&M Alabama and Mississippi St. coming up on the schedule I think we can agree that the Tigers' hopeful return trip back to the BCS title game is in serious jeopardy.

Can anybody in the Pac-12 stop Oregon this year? I think the only team that can defeat them are the USC Trojans. But, even if USC defeats Oregon there is the chance they have to defeat Oregon twice with the second time being in the Pac-12 Championship game. Right now I like Oregon to win the Pac-12 and finish the regular season undefeated. They will more than likely match-up against the SEC Champion. But, imagine if you will the remote possibility of an Oregon and West Virginia BCS Title Game. There would be a record amount of total points scored in a way that would melt everybody's television sets at home.

Speaking of the BCS, Two years from now we will be talking about the 1st year of the 4 team play-off. For me that scenario cannot come soon enough. Imagine if it were in 2012. If the season ended today you would have Alabama playing West Virginia and South Carolina playing Oregon. (Coaches Poll)

At the halfway point of the season I still see Alabama as the team that wins it all over Oregon in the title game. I don't see South Carolina making it because I believe they will still lose 2 games this season. LSU has too inconsistent of an offense and that will not fly this season. Florida is a dark horse in the SEC but, I still like Bama. Oregon as I said is my pick for the Pac-12. In the Big 12 I can see either the winner of Texas/OU tomorrow, Kansas St. or West Virginia. My money would still be on K-State. After Florida State's loss I just do not trust the ACC to field a team in the BCS title game. Notre Dame could of course be a BCS buster if they go undefeated but, with trips to Oklahoma to play the Sooners and at USC I just don't see it. An undefeated Louisville would play the ACC Champ in the Orange Bowl but get no more consideration than a number 2 or 3 finish if they finish unbeaten due to them playing in the Big East. I am not forgetting the Big Ten but they are not in the conversation for BCS title talk.


Last Week I went 11-4 but I again hit on the Upset of the Week. (Iowa State over TCU...and I did pick it before TCU suspended their QB)

 I am 60-14 on the year.

Alabama 38 Missouri 13

LSU 17 South Carolina 14 (I have no business picking this with any conviction except that Les Miles is 17-1 after a loss while at LSU. SC will be sky high after beating Georgia and LSU is being questioned every which way. Plus I feel good about it)

West Virginia 56 Texas Tech 48

USC 22 Washington 20

Texas 20 Oklahoma 17

Texas A&M 30 La. Tech 17

Ole Miss 24 Auburn 14 (Where oh where have you gone Auburn?)

Miami 27 North Carolina 23

Mississippi State 27 Tennessee 20

Michigan 24 Illinois 13

Florida 17 Vanderbilt 10 (Classic trap game after a big win)

Louisville 29 Pittsburgh 10

Florida State 38 Boston College 13

Baylor 31 TCU 17


Iowa State 21 Kansas State 17

Happy Week 7!!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fire Ron Washington? Are you crazy?!?!

I am just going to throw this out there right now. People in Texas that are calling for Ron Washington to be fired are complete knee jerk idiots and you deserve to go blind and never be able to watch baseball again. There, I got that off of my chest and I feel better.

 People say Ron Washington is a choke artist manager because of the last two World Series' and this season. I didn't know that in 2010 he was responsible for the great pitching performances by the Giants. Who by the way are one of the best pitching staffs in the majors. I didn’t know Ron Washington was responsible for Cliff Lee having a subpar World Series in 2010 either. Or for Josh going AWOL. The Rangers were beaten by a better team in 2010. Wash was runner up for AL Manager of the year. 

In the 2011 World Series I guess Wash was responsible for Neftali Feliz giving up that triple to Freese in the bottom of the 9th. Or was he responsible for Neli Cruz misplaying that same Freese triple when it could have been a running catch?

I guess in 2012 when the Rangers rotation was riddled with injuries for the first time in two years and Wash had to hold together a team that was struggling at the plate and not to mention their star player (Hamilton) was AWOL for two months, I guess that was all because of Wash and the 93 wins had nothing to do with him.   

I always hear that the Rangers win in spite of Washington. Sorry folks but, no team gets that far year after year in spite of the manager. That is utter foolishness. Yet, if the Rangers win it is because of Nolan Ryan, or Jon Daniels, or Mike Maddux. It is never Ron Washington. But, if they lose...FIRE HIM! He makes too many bad decisions! He is awful! 

Let me enlighten you on how "awful" Ron Washington really is, ok?

Before Washington got to the Rangers they had one winning season in the 2000's. That was 2004 with Showalter (He was fired in 06). They had only made the playoffs 3 times and had never won a playoff series. They were known as a homerun hitting team that had to out hit a team to beat them because the pitching was nonexistent. The Texas Rangers had a culture of losing before Ron Washington arrived. Do you know what he has done since he came to Texas?

Washington is already the 2nd in managerial wins in Texas Rangers history with 520. He will become 1st next year when he passes Bobby Valentine who has 581.

Washington is 68 games over .500 for his career as Rangers manger. 30 more wins than the next guy (Billy Hunter) who only managed 2 seasons.

Washington’s teams have gotten better in wins every season he has managed with the exception of this season. But, this year he has his second highest wins total (93). 3 games below his record high in 2011 with (96).

The Ranger’s 96 wins in 2011 were the most in team history.

Managerial Stats
 Glossary  · SHARE  · Embed  · CSV  · PRE  · LINK  · ?
AL Pennant
AL Pennant
6 years
2 Pennants

Washington has 2 American League pennants and 4 playoff series victories. Before Wash, the Rangers had 0.

Washington’s Rangers teams have also played better fundamental baseball since he took charge.

You also cannot say that Washington inherited a good team in a good situation. The Rangers were still saddled by the bad front office decisions to sign high price free agents like A-Rod and Chan Ho Park. Though these players were long gone, then owner Tom Hicks was in a payroll cutting mode and there was nearly no chance at the time to acquire any free agents of value. Thankfully Jon Daniels arrived and hired Wash and the Rangers received some help by trading away veteran players and stocking the farm system with talented young players such as: Elvis Andrus, Neftali Feliz, Matt Harrison, David Murphy, and others who would be the corner stone for the future success of the club. And, before you say that was all Jon Daniels work, I will agree with you. But, it is the manager’s job to cultivate that talent. And I think Ron did a great job at that. The results speak for themselves.

There is also the team filing bankruptcy in 2009 and being sold in 2010. The Rangers never should have been as good as they were in 2010. Especially during such organizational turmoil but, again Ron amazingly held them together.  

And yes I will also mention Ron’s dark time with the team. His cocaine abuse. I think it speaks volumes for the players, the coaches, and the front office to rally around Ron during this time and support him rather than fire him. He should have been fired. I will admit that. But, Nolan Ryan felt it was important to keep Ron. To support him. And, it paid off.

So here we are, Oct 5th, 2012. The Rangers have just been beaten 5-1 by the Orioles in the Wild Card game and their season is now over. People who wanted relief from the heartbreak of Game 6 are not going to get it this year. The Rangers had an epic collapse. They lost the AL West to the Oakland A’s on the last game of the season. They lost a 4 game lead with 6 games to go. It hurts. It hurts bad. But, take a breath, cool down and realize that though he may talk funny, He may drive you crazy with some unorthodox managerial decisions, Heck, you may not even like his dugout dance. Know this though. Ron Washington is a special manager who has this team under control. 

He has not delivered a World Series title to the DFW Metroplex but he has gotten so much closer than anyone before him. Just remember how bad Rangers baseball used to be and how good it is now. Take a step back, and breathe. The Rangers are one of the best teams in MLB. Not in spite of the manager but, because of him. Do you remember the 1991 Atlanta Braves? They lost the 91 World Series to the Twins in 7 games. They got back to the World Series the next year only to lose to the Blue Jays. The year after that? They didn’t get to the World Series in 1993. The season was canceled in 1994 due to the baseball strike. But, in 1995 the Atlanta Braves won the World Series. 4 years after the heartbreak of 91. 3 years after the misery of 92. Their manager was a guy named Bobby Cox. I bet you have heard of him. He is the best manager the Atlanta Braves have ever had. He took a last place team in 1990 and turned them into a World Series team the next year. They did not win a World Series until 4 years later. Imagine if the Braves had fired Bobby Cox for being a “Choke Artist” back in 1993 after failing to get to a World Series for a 3rd straight year. Now imagine the Rangers doing that with Ron Washington.

Have patience people. The Rangers are in a good place for a long time to come. Even with pending free agent departures. It stings now but, a knee jerk firing will solve nothing.

…Until next year.