Wednesday, September 12, 2012

NFL Blog Week 2. Picks and Previews.

   NFL Blog Week 2:

   The first week of the NFL season has come and gone. There is much to be learned after the first week has been played. Although it is wise not to overreact about your team winning or losing the first game.

I was very surprised to see the Jets come out and lay the wood to the Bills. I really thought that the Bills defense would make the Jets look silly and start the countdown to the firing of Rex Ryan. Boy was I wrong. I think many others were too though. The question now is can Mark Sanchez continue to play like he did in week 1, or was week 1 a one time thing? I personally believe that the Tim Tebow signing made Sanchez a better QB. I never thought Tebow was any type of competition. I somehow doubt Rex Ryan did either. I do believe that Ryan brought Tebow in to light a fire under Sanchez. To make him focus. To let him know that the big contract that he just signed was not going to guarantee him anything. And, to be the king of dethrone Eli... he (Sanchez) was going to have to work for it. He was going to have to be made uncomfortable. So yes, I believe Rex fooled us all. And he did it by possibly making a very average QB realize that he can be a great QB.

Remember the theory that college football coaches made lousy NFL coaches? With the exception of a few great college football coaches who excelled in the NFL (I'm looking at you Jimmy Johnson) Most college coaches have gone crawling back to college after having the NFL tan their hides (Can you say Steve Spurrier?) Well, now I believe that it may not matter any more. Take Jim Harbaugh for example. He coaches arguably the best team in the NFL. He does not come with any gimmicks, he only simply comes with the old fashioned tried and true adage of Hard work equals success. The 49ers have undergone an incredible transformation under Harbaugh and I believe in the next few years his name will be mentioned in the same breath as Belichick's in terms of overall coaching. I can't guarantee he will have the rings that Belichick has but, not many will.

How about the incredible debut of Robert Griffin III!?! RGIII made believers out a Saints team that many believed would be on an emotional high and eventually become too much for RGIII and the Redskins to overcome. So is RGIII the real deal? Should we put him in Canton already? I say time will tell on both questions. Right now you have to admit that the Redskins look pretty good after giving away so much to get Griffin. He certainly has the tools to succeed. One thing people need to realize and not fall victim to the common stereotype is that RGIII is not a run first athletic QB. He is a truly efficient passer that will make all of those who do not respect that fact pay very dearly.

So what will week 2 bring us? The match-ups I am eagerly awaiting are Packers/Bears, 49ers/Lions, Broncos/Falcons, and Jets/Steelers. Will Jay Cutler's new offensive weapons be enough to reclaim division superiority over the Pack? Will the Packer's defense be better than the 2011 version? Who will win the heavyweight match-up between the 49ers and Lions? Can Peyton defeat the Falcons and the underrated Matt Ryan? Are the Jets for real? The Steelers will test them. Are the Cowboys for real? Is RGIII ready to do it again? Can he? We will see... Here comes Week 2!

I went 12-4 with my picks last week and I am surprised. I expected to go 8-8 or so because Week 1 is usually so hard to pick because of the many unknowns going into it. Hopefully I can land around the same 12-4 mark this week...hopefully.

Chicago at Green Bay. I like Green Bay by 6 in this game at home. I do not see the packers going 0-2.

Kansas City at Buffalo. Buffalo by 3.

Cleveland at Cincinnati. Cincinnati by 10. 

Minnesota at Indianapolis. Minnesota by 7. 

New Orleans at Carolina. New Orleans by 9. 

Houston at Jacksonville. Houston by 7. 

Oakland at Miami. Oakland by 4. 

Arizona at New England. New England by 13.

Tampa Bay at New York Giants. Giants by 6.

Baltimore at Philadelphia. Baltimore by 5. 

Washington at St. Louis. Washington by 8. 

Dallas at Seattle. Dallas by 7.

New York Jets at Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh by 3.

Tennessee at San Diego. Titans by 7.

Detroit at San Francisco. 49ers by 7.

Denver at Atlanta. Atlanta by 4.

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